Front End Tech: React.js, JavaScript, CSS Components, JWT, Stripe
Back End Tech: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, JWT, BCrypt, Stripe
Boy do I love bikes. Apart from all the adaptations of growing up and trying to find a place in this world riding bikes has given me something to do, if nothing else. I ride bikes to the grocery store, to the park, to the next town over, and even to the other side of the country. So, why not build a web app filled with the thing that I love? Web development came along later in life. Boy do I like it, too. I married these two facets of my life to create Ben’s Bikes. Along the way I took a tutorial on advanced React features, think custom hooks and higher level components, and I wanted to flex my skills a little by showing off a few of them. Read further to learn a little bit more about this project.
Ben's Bikes is a front end, single page e-commerce web application built with React. Users can create an account, browse thru products, add items to a cart & checkout. It accesses a full CRUD API built with Ruby on Rails that follows RESTful convention.
The burgeoning days of a budding web dev are full of wonders and frustrations. Thank god for Google. I took a tutorial on advanced React features because I was fascinated by the power of React and I wanted to learn more about it. I learned how to create custom hooks, which required creating a provider component to pass down context. I took a boot camp for software engineering because I needed to find a livelihood that was more stable and resilient. I learned how to combine React and Ruby on Rails to make a shopping cart for a user, to process credit card payments with Stripe, to persist and secure a user’s session using JWT tokens and local storage, and to clean up the home page with pagination. Click on any of the above links to get into the nitty-gritty of how I built these awesome features!