Pagination with React and Ruby on Rails

React front end

Render <ItemsPage> component for routes "/", "/items", & "/items/:id"

    path={["/items/:id", "/", "/items"]}

Create <Pagination> component

  • get url from global state for API request
  • create state to hold item count
  • create perPage & pageCount variables to calculate the number of pages needed
  const { globalState } = React.useContext(GlobalContext);
  const { url } = globalState;
  const [itemCount, setItemCount] = React.useState();
  const perPage = 2;
  const pageCount = Math.ceil(itemCount / perPage);
  • make get request to API that will return a count of items in the inventory
  const getCount = async () => {
    const response = await fetch(`${url}/items_count`);
    const data = await response.json();
    await setItemCount(data);

  React.useEffect(() => {
  }, []);
  • return <Link>s to next or previous page, disabling link when on first or last page
 <Link to={page > 1 && `/items/${page - 1}`}>
 <Link to={page < pageCount && `/items/${page + 1}`}>

Add <Pagination> component to <ItemsPage>

  • get page number from query param in URL
  const page = parseInt(;
  • return <Items> & <Pagination> components, passing as props the page number
  return (
      <Pagination page={page || 1} />
      <Items page={page || 1} />

Create <Items> component

  1. get url from global state for API request
  2. create state to hold items
  const { globalState } = React.useContext(GlobalContext);
  const { url } = globalState;
  const [items, setItems] = React.useState([]);
  1. make get request to API

    • include page number as query param
    • will return the items that will display on that page
  const getItems = async () => {
    const repsonse = await fetch(`${url}/items?page=${page}`);
    const data = await repsonse.json();

  React.useEffect(() => {
  }, [page]);
  • return <Item> component for each item in state
 { => (
   <Item item={item} key={} />

Ruby on Rails back end

Create API endpoint that returns a count of the items in the inventory

  • in routes.rb add route that runs the function 'count' when it recieves a get request from ".../items_count"
 get "/items_count", to: "items#count"

Write count function

  • in items_controller.rb use method .count on Item model to return the total number of items in the inventory
 def count
    @count = Item.count
    render json: @count

Add 'will_paginate' to Gemfile

gem 'will_paginate', '~> 3.1.0'

Use 'will_paginate' in items index route to render a specific number of items per page

  • in items_controller.rb index route use .paginate method, passing it as arguments the page number and the number of items per page to display
 def index
    @items = Item.paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 2)
    render json: @items